Vision and Mission Statement
The HTC Vision is …
The vision of Hebron Theological College is to provide quality theological, ministry training and materials for learners and training organisations.
The HTC Mission is …
Statement of Goals Hebron Theological College is committed to the following Goals:
- To develop and provide accessible training for Christian ministries – lay, pastoral, theological, youth, missions, and woman’s ministry.
- To prepare competent Christian leaders by emphasising the practical application of Christian theology.
- To prepare learners to achieve their full potential in their chosen vocations irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, class, or ability.
- To facilitate transformation and moral regeneration through offering affordable spiritual upliftment programmes, especially to members of the previously disadvantaged majority.
- To offer accredited and registered qualifications on a variety of academic levels.
- To focus on the Christo-centric study and application of God’s Word relative to the Church and social concerns.
- To promote Christian research and scholarship.
- To conduct the administration of the College competently by the application of a Quality Management System based on the ISO 9001 standard.
- To continually review, upgrade and improve the quality and methods of education and training.
- To co-operate with other Christian educational institutions, churches, schools, the SA Qualifications Authority via the Qualifications , in the promotion of best practice in theological training.
- To comply with the laws of the Republic of South Africa.