Study Models

Hebron Theological College has different training options. Contact sessions in our different learning centres, online and blended learning. Contact sessions will take place at different learning centres and at an arranged time. The student choosing this option must attend the training at a specific venue preferably near to where they live. All traveling, refreshments and lunch will be at the students own expense. Different options are available for students who choose online training. A well-developed Learner Management System (LMS) is at the disposal of students that can facilitate the student to complete the theoretical modules. Virtual classes are also available with Zoom as a platform. Students choosing this method will have to download Zoom on a laptop (preferably) or cell phone (sometimes too small a screen). They must have enough internet data and a stable connection. Blended learning refers to a mix of all the above, which can suit the specific needs and position of each student.


All of our qualifications are registered at the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO), under SAQA.

The QCTO is responsible for the accreditation of Skills Development Providers (SDPs). We have two pastoral qualifications whereby we want to train the untrained pastor as well as lay workers that want to become part of ministry in a responsible way.


Our NQF2 level qualification is “Christian Religious Practitioner”. This qualification facilitates the effective practice of ministry work within a specific congregation/faith community to encourage spiritual formation, to nurture fellowship and mutual care within the congregation/faith community, to help members develop a Christian lifestyle, to provide Christian leadership, to ensure organizational well-being, and to facilitate appropriate responses of the congregation/faith community to needs in the wider society. This is a 1-2 year qualification that depends on the specific circumstances of the student. With this qualification, the learner can become a lay pastor or an assembly leader and register on the appropriate level with the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP) in South Africa. ACRP is a professional body for people serving in the field of religious and ministry profession. This professional body functions in the structure of different professional councils: Council for General Ministry Practitioners (CGMP);Council for Training Practitioners (CTPC) and Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors (CPSC).


Our NQF2 level qualification is “Christian Religious Professional”. This qualification facilitates the effective practice of ministry work within a specific congregation/faith community to encourage spiritual formation, to nurture fellowship and mutual care within the congregation/faith community, to help members develop a Christian lifestyle, to provide Christian leadership, to ensure organizational well-being, and to facilitate appropriate responses of the congregation/faith community to needs in the wider society. This is a 1-2 year qualification that depends on the specific circumstances of the student. With this qualification, the learner can become a lay pastor or an assembly leader and register on the appropriate level with the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (ACRP) in South Africa. ACRP is a professional body for people serving in the field of religious and ministry profession. This professional body functions in the structure of different professional councils: Council for General Ministry Practitioners (CGMP); Council for Training Practitioners (CTPC) and Council for Pastoral and Spiritual Counsellors (CPSC).